How to choose wood for home interior?

If you do interior design work at your home, then how to choose wood?

The major boards available in the market are o 5 types of boards

Plywood Particle Board MDF Block Board WPC Board

Every board has its own strength, it has its own remoteness, some maintenance is high, some price is work, if we take proper decision in the choice of wood, then its remoteness can be increased, whatever small issues of maintenance come, you can solve them. can finish

If you want to find out which board comes in which category, you can find out by looking at its core.

Plywood -The board which is made by combining multiple ply is called plywood.

Particle Board – The board made of sawdust is called particle board.

MDF – The board made of medium density by compressing small sawdust is called MDF, there is no layer in MDF like plywood.

Blockboard – The board made by compressing the veneer in both ways by mixing many blocks together is called blockboard.

WPC Board – WPC board is very smooth, there is no layer in it, but it is very strong.


The most commonly used of these is plywood, its grip is considered very good, its strength is considered very high. it is very durable.

There are many options in plywood, which are available in the market, one is 710 grade plywood, 303 grade plywood, both of these are considered the most preferred boards, 710 is waterproof, where there is continuous exposure to water, it does not leave its strength, which wherever there is a chance of getting water. Like kitchen area, wash area, you prefer 710 only, where there is no chance of water getting there, you can use 303 grade plywood, 303 is not a waterproof board, so wherever there is a chance of getting water, you can use it. 710 board only do it

710 is a bit expensive so if you have budget then use 710 only.

Particle board The board which is made by mixing many particles is called particle board, its strength is very less, it is not very durable, its maintenance cost is also very high, its ability to hold screws or nails is very useful, that’s why It is never recommended for interior design work

MDF – also has strength like particle board, it is not very durable but it is considered better than particle board. Its ability to hold screws and nails is useful, it also does not have any layer, so it is also not recommended directly in interior design.

Block board – Blockboard is also considered a very good board, its strength is very high, it is more durable, it has a lot of ability to hold screws and nails, this board is very light, so it is used a lot in the door of Almira. Anywhere if the length of the door is more than 4 feet, then plywood should not be used, blockboard is considered a good option.

WPC Board – There are also 3 density boards available Lower Density Medium Density High Density

There is no layer in it, yet the ability to hold screws and nails is very high. High density board is considered very good. The specialty of this board is that it is fire retardant. It means that it can never catch fire. Does not promote and even if it catches fire, as soon as this wood is away from the fire, it stops burning. Plywood and block board burns due to fire and moves forward but this is not the case, so it is considered better in places where there are more chances of fire. Doesn’t let it last. It is made of plastic material, so there is no chance of getting spoiled by water.

If you want to make the best combination almirah box, then prefer plywood. Use block board for almirah door wherever there is a chance of fire use WPC board if you want to make some design using deco paint then you can use MDF.