Archives February 2023

Where should it be used in interior

MDF – Where should it be used in interior designing?

By mixing small sawdust and compressing it, the board of medium density is made, we call it MDF. There is no layer in MDF like Plywood, so its strength is very useful and its ability to hold screws or nails is very useful. That’s why it is never directly recommended for work in interior design, then it comes to where it should be used.

You must have heard the name of CNC Cutting, we use it in many places, where MDF is recommended, the main reason for this is that it is very easy to cut the design and we cannot use laminates on CNC Cutting, so Deco paint on it. is used a lot And MDF is considered a very good board for Deco Paint, so wherever you want to use Deco paint, you can see MDF as an option, but Deco Paint is also a very expensive option, but it depends on the look of your house. enhances CNC Cutting is widely used in TV Unit, Partition and False Ceiling

start interior designing work

Know How to start interior designing with work

How to design the interior of the house?

interior designing

If you want to design the interior of your home and give it a luxurious appearance, but you are unsure of where to begin, what considerations to make, or which design is best for your house, keep reading.

Budget planning

First of all, do a proper planning of the budget, suppose your maximum budget is 6 lakhs and more than that you cannot spend much money, then you should not plan more than 4 lakhs in the beginning. It will automatically reach 6 lakhs, after that whatever work you want to do, whatever is required, divide it into 2 parts. First you plan what is necessary and what is optional, do it according to the budget, now you have to decide what is necessary for you and what is optional, these are some things that will come under the minimum requirement. Wood work, kitchen related like sink, granite electrical items like fan light plumbing items etc.


After that you have to finalize the design, the role of design is very important. Whatever you want to do, design it properly, if you do not design and you start the work, then what is the problem that what you think is not going to work, then you have 3 options for that. Learn 3D design, if you have a little computer knowledge, then you can learn 3D design well through YouTube in 8 to 10 days. There are many software, you can use Sketchup or Blender. If you do not have basic knowledge of computer or live in very remote area where you cannot get design done by interior designer then also no problem you can see 2D design on your paper by yourself if you have shortage of time If so, you can hire a professional, he can tell you the design in a proper way, how yours will look like.

Choice of wood

When the design is finalized, according to the budget, then you have to choose the wood. You have to decide which wood should be used for whom and where, it is very important.

Laminate Selection – After that you have to choose the laminate. You have many options for laminates like Decolam, PVC, Acrylic laminates and veneer, you can choose any of these according to your choice, while selecting laminates also you need to keep many things in mind and laminate according to that. you have to select

Floor Protection Sheet When you have disassembled everything, then you want to start the work, then you must use the floor protection sheet. It is a very small thing but it has a practical purpose, it can protect your floors properly.

False ceiling

The role of false ceiling is very important in giving a luxury look to the house. Changes the look of your whole house, so you have to plan in details for false ceiling too if your budget supports it.

Kitchen Design – The kitchen is a big contributor to the look of a house, so you should do proper planning of the kitchen, which will make your kitchen durable as well as modern and attractive. Planning for sink, granite, chimney hob, etc. should be done in advance. Do all that planning.

Electrical & Plumbing Work – When Woodwork and False Ceiling are done, you can get Electrical and Plumbing work done. For this you have to do proper planning

Painting – When everything is done then you can start painting work

Deep Cleaning – Get the last deep cleaning done after painting

Gypsum or POP

Gypsum or POP which one is better for false ceiling?

While getting false ceiling done, a big question always remains in your mind, which material should be used for false ceiling? There are many options for false ceiling but mostly gypsum and POP board are used for home, we will compare gypsum board and POP and see which one can be a good option for your home.

Better for false ceiling

Size – Generally the size of gypsum board sheet comes in 6 x 4 feet and the size of POP sheet comes in 1×2, 2×3 and 3×4 feet, the thickness of gypsum board comes around 12 mm, the thickness of POP sheet is 8, 10 and comes in 12 mm

Installation – Gypsum board installation is very easy as compared to POP, one reason for this is that the gypsum sheet comes in large size, so the joint is less, with the help of joint tape, use of POP powder or gypsum joint compound material. By filling the joint, the same POP sheet is smaller in size, there is more joint, so it takes more time to feel the joint. Due to more joints, it takes a lot of time to finish it, due to which dust also comes out a lot, compared to gypsum, POP sheet is heavy, so channels have to be installed properly, because of this also time overall takes more

Durability – POP is slightly stronger than gypsum. If the gypsum board is not installed properly, then crack on the joint starts coming with time, but the crack on the POP joint is less, although both POP and gypsum are not advised to be used in the place where there is water. Flows but POP has the ability to tolerate a little water once or twice, the same gypsum board can be damaged by water only once.

Finishing – If we talk about finishing, then the finishing of gypsum board is very good, one reason for this is that its size is large and the joint is less, then if joint tape is used well, then the finishing of gypsum is very good. Talking about the same POP, if it is done well, then the finishing is good, but if you do not work with skill workers, then the finishing of POP is not as good as compared to gypsum.

Price – Talking about the price, the price depends on many factors, but overall gypsum false ceiling is a bit costlier than POP.

Talking about the rate, the rate of POP false ceiling ranges from Rs 35 to Rs 50 per SFT and the rate of GYPSUM comes around Rs 40 to 55. In this rate, there is a channel with GYPUSM or POP, electrical work, lighting Work, and whatever other work is done, its rate is different.

Conclusion – If you want neat and clean installation want good finishing want to get work done quickly go for Gypsum False Ceiling without thinking anything but you want a durable finish then you can go for POP Well if you want my Roy If you ask, I will recommend gypsum board, anyway nowadays gypsum board is used in more than 80% false ceiling.

How to Select wood for home interior

How to choose wood for home interior?

If you do interior design work at your home, then how to choose wood?

The major boards available in the market are o 5 types of boards

Plywood Particle Board MDF Block Board WPC Board

Every board has its own strength, it has its own remoteness, some maintenance is high, some price is work, if we take proper decision in the choice of wood, then its remoteness can be increased, whatever small issues of maintenance come, you can solve them. can finish

If you want to find out which board comes in which category, you can find out by looking at its core.

Plywood -The board which is made by combining multiple ply is called plywood.

Particle Board – The board made of sawdust is called particle board.

MDF – The board made of medium density by compressing small sawdust is called MDF, there is no layer in MDF like plywood.

Blockboard – The board made by compressing the veneer in both ways by mixing many blocks together is called blockboard.

WPC Board – WPC board is very smooth, there is no layer in it, but it is very strong.


The most commonly used of these is plywood, its grip is considered very good, its strength is considered very high. it is very durable.

There are many options in plywood, which are available in the market, one is 710 grade plywood, 303 grade plywood, both of these are considered the most preferred boards, 710 is waterproof, where there is continuous exposure to water, it does not leave its strength, which wherever there is a chance of getting water. Like kitchen area, wash area, you prefer 710 only, where there is no chance of water getting there, you can use 303 grade plywood, 303 is not a waterproof board, so wherever there is a chance of getting water, you can use it. 710 board only do it

710 is a bit expensive so if you have budget then use 710 only.

Particle board The board which is made by mixing many particles is called particle board, its strength is very less, it is not very durable, its maintenance cost is also very high, its ability to hold screws or nails is very useful, that’s why It is never recommended for interior design work

MDF – also has strength like particle board, it is not very durable but it is considered better than particle board. Its ability to hold screws and nails is useful, it also does not have any layer, so it is also not recommended directly in interior design.

Block board – Blockboard is also considered a very good board, its strength is very high, it is more durable, it has a lot of ability to hold screws and nails, this board is very light, so it is used a lot in the door of Almira. Anywhere if the length of the door is more than 4 feet, then plywood should not be used, blockboard is considered a good option.

WPC Board – There are also 3 density boards available Lower Density Medium Density High Density

There is no layer in it, yet the ability to hold screws and nails is very high. High density board is considered very good. The specialty of this board is that it is fire retardant. It means that it can never catch fire. Does not promote and even if it catches fire, as soon as this wood is away from the fire, it stops burning. Plywood and block board burns due to fire and moves forward but this is not the case, so it is considered better in places where there are more chances of fire. Doesn’t let it last. It is made of plastic material, so there is no chance of getting spoiled by water.

If you want to make the best combination almirah box, then prefer plywood. Use block board for almirah door wherever there is a chance of fire use WPC board if you want to make some design using deco paint then you can use MDF.

Types Of False Ceiling

Types Of False Ceiling – How many ways is false ceiling done?

There are many options for false ceiling. We are going to talk about some false ceiling below which is quite popular.

There are many options for false ceiling. We are going to talk about some false ceiling below which is quite popular.

Types Of False Ceiling

Gypsum ceiling

In today’s time, gypsum is mostly used in false ceiling. Along with being very light, it is fire resistant, it is generally available in sheets of 6*4 size, it is very easy to install, which takes less time for installation, less dust, etc., also comes out for finishing. It comes very well, due to all these reasons, it has become very popular in a very short time.

POP ceiling

The use of POP has been going on for a long time, before Gypsum became popular, POP used to be used in most of the houses. In earlier times, when POP used to be used, POP was dried on the site itself by proper mixing, after that it was installed through the channel But now it is also available in sheet apart from powder form, it is slightly heavier than gypsum, so normally its size is 3 * 4 feet or it comes in handy size, if compared to gypsum sheet, then this gypsum It is stronger than and has the ability to tolerate POP if water comes on it occasionally. But the gypsum board does not tolerate water at all and the gypsum board can get damaged in one go under the influence of water. By the way, wherever there is a chance of water coming, both gypsum and POP should not be used.

PVC ceiling

PVC false ceiling is slowly becoming quite popular. This false ceiling is mostly used for Garages, Basements, Kitchens, Bathrooms, but nowadays it is also being used a lot for bedrooms or living rooms. It is very easy to install and it is also very easy to manage. Being very light, it is Moisture Resistant and Termites Resistant.

Wood ceiling

Wood ceiling is also being used a lot for false ceiling, it adds beauty to the look of the house. We can use wood ceiling in many different ways. We use it for gypsum, POP false. Can also be done with ceiling which gives a contrast look, we also use MDF wood a lot in false ceiling on which Deco is painted, which changes the look of the house a lot, which looks very modern, it is used PVC false Also quite done with sealing

Fiber Ceiling

Fiber false ceiling is considered a perfect option for commercial complex because it is available at a very low cost and it is very easy to install, it also has many benefits like it is fire resistant, sound proof but it is not suitable for residential house. Not recommended for use

Glass ceiling

Glass ceiling is also being used in many places, it plays an important role in giving a contrast look, it is used in hotels, restaurants, libraries or other commercial complexes, but it is used in limited quantities.

Apart from these, other types of ceiling are also being used, but the above false ceilings are mostly used, in which Gypsum and POP are mostly used in homes and fiber ceiling is mostly used for commercial complex.

POP design ideas.png

Latest Home Ceiling POP Design Ideas 2023

Whether you have a large living room or a small living area, there are several POP ceiling designs for your homes to accommodate all sizes.

For your home, you can always experiment with various false ceiling POP ideas, add cove lighting, or even emphasize a particular region of the false ceiling. Whether you have a large living room or a small living area, there are several POP ceiling designs for your homes to accommodate all sizes. Give this stunning fake ceiling design concept a try; you won’t regret it and it can assist define the rest of your home’s decor beautifully.

The appropriate colour schemes for the POP designs for the ceiling

Home ceiling POP design

While choosing the POP ceiling design for your home, you may experiment with shades of different colours and tints to make your POP fake ceiling design stand out in the perfect way.

While installing a POP ceiling design for a hallway in your home in 2023, you may make use of these stylish POP ceiling designs for homes.

To create a cosy and pleasant feeling in your house, choose a POP ceiling design in mustard yellow and white.

By including a touch of orange, yellow, purple, or a splash of red, you may create a playful and eccentric mood. These colour selections for POP artificial ceilings will help create a happy, upbeat environment.

Materials that could be utilised to produce the POP designs for the ceiling

Lime plaster is made by mixing calcium hydroxide, plaster of lime sand, and other inert fillers. When water is added after quick lime has been heated, slaked lime is produced. Other names for lime plaster include wet putty and white powder.

Concrete Plaster

Sand, suitable plaster, water, and Portland cement are the components of cement plaster. It is used to provide smooth surfaces for both the interiors and the exteriors. Gypsum plaster is also spread on top of the cement plaster.

Advice on selecting the colour palette for the POP ceiling

To give your POP ceiling design a unique twist, choose a POP false ceiling design in hues like orange, yellow, red, or purple.

For a cosy and friendly ambiance, consider using yellow and white tones.

Do the walls in your house’s interiors have white trim and light colours? Such colours would be cherry red or turquoise, respectively.

To add style to the hall, choose elegant hues of white and grey.

Precautions to be observed during the installation of the POP artificial ceiling

While a low-quality POP may be less expensive, it will surely cause you more trouble with cracks during installation. Instead, get a POP from a respected manufacturer.

Check the application ceiling area for any leaks before you begin the installation process.

Make sure the POP is dry before carrying it up for installation.

We are all aware that a fake ceiling design is the greatest technique to hide all the electrical wires and fixtures. You must exercise extra caution and should encase the wires in a pipe to reduce the possibility of any fires.

Don’ts and Dos

Be sure the height difference between the floor and ceiling in your home is sufficient to sustain a false ceiling without giving the room a crowded appearance before installing a drop ceiling.

Plan the lighting arrangement in advance if you’re remodelling the interior of your home and want to install a fake ceiling in the hallway. This will help you choose the false ceiling design and avoid a mess down the road.

Choose a POP ceiling that is straightforward and angular, and avoid using mouldings in compact areas.

Do you have a big living space? Choose a double-layered POP fake ceiling for the hallway. You may also play with with textures and some unique shapes to give your roomy living area a bit of drama.

If you want to put a fake ceiling in your home but the room isn’t very tall, try to find one that goes around the corners of the wall. You can add some mood lighting and it won’t take up any height space.